Friday, 25 November 2011

ApA iTu Chromosomal abnormalities

syahmi nak tau tak????
sebenarnyee di saat ibu mencoret kata2 ini... hati ibu sedang bersedih
syahmi nk tau kenape???
sbb ibu belum tau lg result chromosome syahmi yg diambil sewaktu syahmi di hospital dulu
 result tu amat penting utk ibu...
sbbnyee bergantung pada result tu ibu dpt tau tahap kesihatan syahmi..
 kdg2 ibu rase biarlah ibu xtau dr ibu tau...
tp kdg2 ibu rase ibu nk tau sgt2, sbb ibu nmpk syahmi kuat, jadi mungkin result nyee -ve
itulah harapan dan doa ibu sbb ibu xnk kehilangan syahmi..
syahmi tau x?
waktu syahmi dlm perut ibu 7bln, ibu dh rase mcm kehilangan syahmi..
yelah, selepas ape yg doktor terangkn pd ibu membuatkan ibu terpaksa bersedia utk kehilangan anak dlm kandungan ibu nii..
betapa sakit dan hancurnyee hati ibu nak.. 
hanya Allah tmpt ibu meminta dan berdoa..
skrg ibu dh menjaga syahmi selama hampir 2bln...
ibu xnak kehilangan syahmi lagi..
ibu nk bersama syahmi saat2 syahmi perlukan ibu..
ibu nak lihat syahmi membesar seperti kanak2 lain..
itu harapan ibu nak..
syahmi kene kuat ye sayang..
pade sesiape yg xberape nk paham ape itu chromosome abnormalities..
kat cni ade ibu copy dr google..
jom kite lihat.......

Chromosomal abnormalities
About 1 in 150 babies in the United States is born with a chromosomal abnormality (2). These abnormalities are caused by errors in the number or structure of chromosomes. Many children with a chromosomal abnormality have mental and/or physical birth defects. Some chromosomal abnormalities result in miscarriage or stillbirth. Understanding what chromosomes are may make it easier to understand the wide range of problems chromosomal abnormalities can cause.
What are chromosomes?
Chromosomes are tiny, string-like structures in cells of the body that contain the genes. Humans have about 20,000 to 25,000 genes that determine traits like eye and hair color; genes also direct the growth and development of every part of the body (4). Each person normally has 23 pairs of chromosomes, or 46 in all. We inherit one chromosome per pair from our mother and one from our father.
What causes chromosomal abnormalities?
Chromosomal abnormalities usually result from an error that occurs when an egg or sperm cell develops. It is not known why these errors occur. As far as we know, nothing that a parent does or doesn’t do before or during pregnancy can cause a chromosomal abnormality in his or her child.

Egg and sperm cells each contain 23 chromosomes. When they join together, they form a fertilized egg with 46 chromosomes. But sometimes something goes wrong before fertilization. An egg or sperm cell may divide incorrectly, resulting in an egg or sperm cell with too many or too few chromosomes.

When this cell with the wrong number of chromosomes joins with a normal egg or sperm cell, the resulting embryo has a chromosomal abnormality. A common type of chromosomal abnormality is called a trisomy. This means that an individual has three copies of a specific chromosome, instead of two. For example, individuals with Down syndrome generally have three copies of chromosome 21 (though a small number of cases are caused by chromosomal rearrangements).

In most cases, an embryo with the wrong number of chromosomes does not survive. In such cases, the pregnant woman has a miscarriage. This often happens very early in pregnancy, before a woman may realize she’s pregnant. More than 50 percent of first-trimester miscarriages are caused by chromosomal abnormalities in the embryo (1).

Other errors can occur before fertilization. These errors can alter the structure of one or more chromosomes. Individuals with structural chromosomal abnormalities usually have the normal number of chromosomes. However, small pieces of a chromosome (or chromosomes) may be deleted, duplicated, inverted, misplaced or exchanged with part of another chromosome. These structural rearrangements may have no effect on a person if all of the chromosome is there but just rearranged. In other cases, the rearrangements may result in pregnancy loss or birth defects.

Errors in cell division can occur soon after fertilization. This can result in mosaicism, a condition in which an individual has cells with different genetic makeups. For example, individuals with the mosaic form of Turner syndrome are missing an X chromosome in some, but not all, of their cells. Some individuals with chromosomal mosaicism may be mildly affected, but the severity of the condition depends largely on the percentage of abnormal cells.

How are chromosomal abnormalities diagnosed?
 Chromosomal abnormalities can be diagnosed before birth using prenatal tests [amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS)] or after birth using a blood test. Cells obtained from these tests are grown in the laboratory, and then their chromosomes are examined under a microscope. The lab makes a picture (karyotype) of all the person’s chromosomes, arranged in order from largest to smallest. The karyotype shows the number, size and shape of the chromosomes and helps experts identify any abnormalities.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that all pregnant women be offered a screening test for Down syndrome and certain other chromosomal abnormalities, regardless of the woman’s age (2). Screening may consist of a maternal blood test done in the first trimester (at 11 to 13 weeks of pregnancy) along with a special ultrasound of the back of the baby’s neck. It also can be a maternal blood test done in the second trimester (at 15 to 20 weeks). A screening test helps identify pregnancies that are at higher-than-average risk of these abnormalities. However, a screening test cannot diagnose Down syndrome or other chromosomal abnormalities. Providers offer women who have an abnormal screening test result amniocentesis or CVS to diagnose or rule out these disorders.

What are the most common chromosomal abnormalities?
The first 22 pairs of chromosomes are called autosomes. Some common abnormalities of these chromosomes include:

Down syndrome: This is one of the most common chromosomal abnormalities, affecting about 1 in 800 babies (3). Individuals with Down syndrome have varying degrees of intellectual disability, characteristic facial features and, often, heart defects and other problems.

The outlook for children with Down syndrome is far brighter than it once was. Most have intellectual disabilities in the mild to moderate range. With early intervention and special education, many learn to read and write and participate in diverse childhood activities.

The risk of Down syndrome and other trisomies increases with the mother’s age. The risk of having a baby with Down syndrome is about (1):
  • 1 in 1,300 at age 25
  • 1 in 1,000 at age 30
  • 1 in 400 at age 35
  • 1 in 100 at age 40
  • 1 in 35 at age 45
Trisomies 13 and 18: These trisomies usually are more severe than Down syndrome, but fortunately less common. About 1 in 16,000 babies is born with trisomy 13 (also called Patau syndrome), and about 1 in 5,000 with trisomy 18 (also called Edwards syndrome) (4). Babies with trisomies 13 or 18 generally have severe mental retardation and many physical birth defects. Most affected babies die before their first birthday.

The last pair of chromosomes are the sex chromosomes, called X and Y. Generally, females have two X chromosomes, and males have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. Sex chromosome abnormalities may cause infertility, growth abnormalities, and, in some cases, behavioral and learning problems. However, most affected individuals live fairly normal lives. Common sex chromosome abnormalities include:

Turner syndrome: This abnormality affects about 1 in 2,500 girls (4). Girls with Turner syndrome have one X chromosome and are missing all or part of the other X chromosome. They usually are infertile and do not undergo normal puberty changes unless they are treated with sex hormones. Affected girls are short, though treatment with growth hormone can help increase height. Some have other health problems, including heart and kidney defects. Girls with Turner syndrome generally have normal intelligence, though some have learning difficulties, particularly with mathematics and spatial concepts (5).

Triple X: About 1 in 1,000 females has an extra X chromosome (4). Affected girls tend to be tall. They usually have no physical birth defects, experience normal puberty and are fertile. Affected girls usually have normal intelligence, though many have learning problems. Because these girls are healthy and have a normal appearance, their parents often don’t know they have a chromosomal abnormality. Some parents may learn that their daughter has this abnormality if they have prenatal testing (with amniocentesis or CVS).

Klinefelter syndrome: This abnormality affects about 1 in 500 to 1,000 boys (4). Boys with Klinefelter syndrome have two, or occasionally more, X chromosomes along with their Y chromosome. Affected boys usually have normal intelligence, though many have learning problems. As adults, they produce lower-than-normal amounts of the male hormone testosterone (and often are treated with this hormone) and are infertile.

XYY: About 1 in 1,000 males is born with one or more extra Y chromosomes (4). Affected males are sometimes taller than average, have normal sexual development and are fertile. Most have normal intelligence, though some have learning, behavioral and speech/language problems. As with triple X females, many affected males and their families don’t know they have a chromosomal abnormality unless it is diagnosed with prenatal testing.

Are there other, less common, chromosomal abnormalities?
New techniques for analyzing chromosomes have made it possible to identify tiny chromosomal abnormalities that may not be visible even under a high-powered microscope. As a result, more parents are learning that their child has a chromosomal abnormality. Some of these uncommon chromosomal abnormalities include:
  • Deletions: A small section of a chromosome is missing.
  • Microdeletions: An extremely small amount of a chromosome is missing, possibly only a single gene.
  • Translocations: A section of a chromosome is attached to another chromosome.
  • Inversions: A section of chromosome is snipped out and reinserted upside down.
  • Duplications: A section of a chromosome is duplicated, so there is extra genetic material.
  • Ring chromosome: Material is deleted at both ends of a chromosome, and the new ends join together to form a ring.
Some chromosomal abnormalities are so rare that only one or a few children are known to be affected. In such cases, it may be impossible for a health care provider to predict a child’s long-term health and development. Some abnormalities (such as some translocations and inversions) may not affect a person’s health if no genetic material is missing or duplicated.

Some uncommon disorders can be caused by small chromosomal deletions. Examples are:
  • Cri-du-chat (cat cry) syndrome (deletion on chromosome 5): Affected children have a cat-like, high-pitched cry during infancy, mental retardation and physical abnormalities. About 1 in 20,000 to 50,000 babies is born with this disorder (4).
  • Prader-Willi syndrome (deletion on chromosome 15): Affected children usually have mental retardation or learning disabilities, behavioral problems and short stature. They also may develop extreme obesity. About 1 in 10,000 to 25,000 babies is affected (4).
  • 22q11 deletion syndrome (deletion on chromosome 22): About 1 in 4,000 babies is born with deletions in a specific region of chromosome 22 (4). These deletions cause a variety of problems that can include heart defects, cleft lip/palate, immune system abnormalities, characteristic facial features and learning disabilities. Certain combinations of these features are sometimes called DiGeorge or velocardiofacial syndrome. Individuals with this disorder have a 50-percent chance of passing the chromosomal abnormality on to their offspring with each pregnancy (4).
  • Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome (deletion on chromosome 4): This disorder is characterized by mental retardation, heart defects, poor muscle tone, seizures and other problems. It affects about 1 in 50,000 babies (4).
With the exception of individuals with 22q11 deletion syndrome, individuals with these disorders generally do not reproduce.

Are all children with the same chromosomal abnormality alike?
No. Each child with a chromosomal abnormality should be evaluated as an individual. Even people with apparently identical chromosomal abnormalities can differ substantially from each other. How a person is affected depends greatly, but not wholly, on the exact genetic material involved. Each chromosome contains hundreds to thousands of genes, and each gene influences different characteristics or body functions.

New techniques of analyzing chromosomes sometimes can pinpoint exactly where missing or extra genetic material comes from. If providers know what genes are contained in that section and their function, they sometimes can give parents a better prediction of a child’s future development. 

kesimpulannye: pade sesiape yg xberape paham meh ibu explain serba sedikit..
chromosome abnormalities ni adalah terjadinyee error sewaktu persenyawaan ovum ngan sprem.. utk membentuk zigot, kene ade 23 pasang chromosome.. iaitu 46 chromosome.. jike terdapat gangguan samada external or internal factor, chromosome itu akan rosak dan menyebabkan chormosome abnormalities dan membawa kecacatan pada bayi yg akan lahir nanti.. faktor penyebab utama adalah genetik.. ataupn faktor luaran seperti terdedah kepada bahan kemikal, ibu yg mengambil alkohol sewaktu mengandung dan sbginyee.. terdapat beberape level chromosome yg selalunyee terjadi sewaktu kehamilan adalah chromosome 22 iaitu menyebabkan down syndrome.. chromosome yg bahaya plk adalah 13 dan 18.. 13 selalunyee berlaku 1 dalam 16000 kelahiran yg dipanggil platau syndrome.. platau syndrome ni biasanyee akan berlaku kecacatan seperti sumbing, jari lebih atau kurang, tulang pendek dan sebagainyee... kalau T18 plk terjadi biasanyee 1 dalam 5000 kelahiran.. ianya melibatkan masalah jantung, buah pinggang dan otak.. kalau terkena pada level 13 dan 18 nii jangka hayat tidak lebih setahun.... yg lain tu blh laa translete sendirik yee sbb byk sgt.. ibu translate yg common jee..
inilah yg amat2 menakutkan ibu nak.. ibu berdoa dan berharap agar syahmi dijauhkan dari bende alah ini... ibu berharap agar semua kawan2 di luar sana utk mendoakan syahmi.. ibu xnk kehilangan syahmi... ibu syg syahmi sgt2... cukuplah ape yg ibu tanggung sewaktu syahmi 7bln dlm kandungan.. ibu xnk sejarah itu berulang lagi..... 

 ibu sayang syahmi sgt2... ibu xnak kehialngan syahmi.. ibu nak bersama2 ngan syahmi hingga akhir hayat ibu nak....


Salina@IbuAqil said...

Insy'allah!! Kami sentiasa mendoakan yg trbaik.. Akupun berdebor nunggu result tu.. Tiap kali ko call aku fikirkn result tu je yg ko nk bgtau aku ida.. Kuatkn smangat sama2 kita doakan yg baik ye.. ;)

|| NaFiRaa || said...

insyaALLAH.. kami semua sentiasakan doakan yang terbaik buat syahmi.. moga result yang keluar nanti akan gembirakan hati semua orang yang sayangkan syahmi..aminnn!!!

nanti untie doakan untuk syahmi setiap kali lepas solat k~ cayang dia~

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thanx to auntie ina n fira... juge utk semua yg doakan syahmi... love u all...

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